Researchers from the Nencki Institute in the Scientific Committees of PAN

The Polish Academy of Sciences presented results of the elections for the Scientific Committees for the 2020-2023 term. 9 scientists from the Nencki Institute were among the newly elected members.

The Committee on Molecular Biology of the Cell: Prof. Anna Filipek; Prof. Katarzyna Nałęcz; Prof. Maria Jolanta Rędowicz; Prof. Adam Szewczyk.

The Committee on Neurobiology: Prof. Katarzyna Łukasiuk; Dr. Kasia Radwańska, Professor of the Institute; Prof. Małgorzata Skup; Prof. Urszula Sławińska; Prof. Daniel Wójcik.

The Scientific Committees of the Polish Academy of Sciences also include Members of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and Members of the Academy of Young Scientists according to their declarations.

The Committees of the Polish Academy of Sciences serve as bodies representing various research circles and disciplines. Their members, elected by the research communities within specific fields (physicists, biochemists, sociologists, etc.) include scientists of the Polish Academy of Sciences of respective disciplines, outstanding research workers of higher education establishments, research centers of the Polish Academy of Sciences, departmental research units, and of economic and social organizations. They serve in an advisory capacity on issues related to technology, engineering, biology, medicine, Earth sciences, social sciences, humanities, agricultural sciences, etc. They draw up position statements and expert studies for the needs of Polish public administration, and assist in resolving specific science-related issues. They also issue opinions on new legal regulations that affect science, its applications, and education. They likewise work to promote broader awareness of research findings, and also support the development of specific fields.


Date of publication
3 March 2020