Invitation for a lecture of dr Grzegorz Sumara

Dear All

I would like to invite you for a on-line lecture on 18th of November at 3pm of dr Grzegorz Sumara from the Dioscuri Center for Metabolic Diseases, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS. His habilitation is processed by the Scientific Council of the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology.

He will present his lecture entitled: "Kinase Signalling in Metabolic Diseases"



The dramatic increase in the incidence of obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2D) worldwide and the urgent need for new pharmacological therapies have greatly stimulated research in the area of energy metabolism.

T2D is characterized by peripheral insulin resistance in combination with relative insulin deficiency that results in hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia. Liver and adipose tissue are central for the regulation of glucose and lipids levels. During T2D the hepatic glucose uptake is reduced while rates of gluconeogenesis and lipogenesis are increased. In the adipose tissue, T2D leads to decreased glucose uptake, perturbations in secretion of adipokines and increased lipolysis. Dysfunction of liver and adipose tissue during T2D is caused by defective signaling cascades and their normalization was shown to attenuate the course of diabetes.

Using a combination of targeted and unbiased approach we are attempting to identify and characterize novel components of these pathways in adipocytes and hepatocytes, and in the longer perspective we aim to contribute to more targeted pharmacological strategies for the treatment of T2D.


Link to the meeting:

Meeting ID: 982 2223 1110
Passcode: 795926

Katarzyna Łukasiuk


Date of publication
9 November 2021
Date of event